Adult stem cells, which do not require killing a human embryo, have shown success again.
A new report from researchers in Portugal and at Wayne State University documents use of adult stem cells to treat spinal-cord injury patients, none of whom had use of their legs prior to treatment. Dr. David Prentice with Family Research Council summarizes the positive results from the treatments.
"Out of the 20 patients that they treated, 13 of those patients showed significant improvement -- things like being able to walk with the aid of braces or using a walker with no braces, [and] recovering feeling, different sensation, and movement below the old injury sight," he shares.
elderly walker smallPrentice believes that with additional treatment there could be even more improvement. The patients who were treated suffered the spinal-cord injuries 18 months to 15 years ago.
"This was an established paraplegia or quadriplegia where the adult stem cells [were] put in and then the patients did the exercise regime," Prentice explains. "They showed significant improvement." According to one of the researchers, individuals with spinal-cord injuries that happened more than 18 months earlier typically show "little improvement."
In contrast, highly touted human-embryo research has produced no benefit. Adult stem cells, however, are being used to treat more than 70 illnesses or medical conditions so far.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 23, 2009
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