Pro-life laws recently passed in Arizona are being challenged in state and federal courts.
Pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood, are responsible for the lawsuits, but Cathi Herrod of the Center for Arizona Policy is not surprised. "As we've seen repeatedly through the years, the abortion industry will challenge virtually every pro-life law that's passed that puts forth a reasonable measure to regulate abortion," she contends.
According to Herrod, one of the laws being challenged would bar nurse practitioners from performing surgical abortions.
Cathi Herrod (Center for AZ Policy)"As the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, has difficulty getting doctors to perform abortions, they are increasingly allowing non-doctors to perform abortions, so a key issue will be whether nurse practitioners are allowed to perform surgical abortions," she says.
Herrod contends Planned Parenthood is fighting on the basis of its agenda, ignoring the fact that the Supreme Court has upheld laws requiring that only doctors perform them. Herrod believes other laws challenged in the lawsuits simply protect Arizona citizens, including medical personnel, who oppose abortions on ethical or religious grounds.
She thinks the litigation will go on for years but the laws will ultimately be upheld.
Also from Arizona...
Two Women Attack 69-Year-Old Pro-Lifers Outside City Hall
A pro-life protester, who is a regular fixture on Route 66 in front of City Hall, was attacked by two women during the lunch hour Friday. According to information from the Flagstaff Police Department, the 69-year-old victim was standing in front of City Hall with a graphic sign of an aborted fetus when he was approached by the two women. According to witnesses, the two women began to yell profanities at the victim. One woman kicked the sign and tried to take it. The victim tried to protect the sign and took the woman to the ground. While the two were on the ground fighting, the second woman joined the fray and tried to take the sign. The victim had to fight the other woman off as well. The two women, both 48, were cited and released on misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and criminal damage.
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Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: September 19, 2009
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