Is a double standard being applied to those in the public debate on abortion?
In the aftermath of the shooting death of pro-life demonstrator Jim Pouillon in Michigan, some members of the movement are hesitant to picket. Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League believes that should stop no one from expressing a pro-life view.
"It's extremely rare for violence to enter into the abortion battle on either side, and there's no reason to be afraid to go out there on the street," he contends.
But Scheidler does wonder if there is a double standard in Washington.
"After George Tiller was shot by a lone goofball up there in Kansas, Barack Obama immediately deplored the event and sent out federal marshals. [But it took him three days to finally get around to responding to the killing in Michigan of the pro-life activist," he notes. And that response, he adds, did not involve sending marshals to protect pro-life organizations.
Scheidler, while conducting a demonstration recently in Naples, Florida, said it was ironic that a federal agent had been dispatched to the abortion center to watch their peaceful pickets.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: September 26, 2009
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