Kathy Ryg turns out to be Lake County's Nancy Pelosi with her unbelievable letter (below) in defense of the Illinois FOCA bill (HB 2354).
The FOCA bill will actually...
1. Prohibits any regulations of abortion at any stage of pregnancy.
2. Prohibits banning Partial-Birth Abortion.
3. Prohibits requiring Parental Notification for minors.
4. Allows a minor to obtain emergency contraceptives without parental knowledge.
(Plan-B) .. Require tax-pay funded abortions through Medicaid.
6. Mandates every public school in the state to offer a comprehensive sex education program. No longer would local school districts be able to determine their curriculums in this area: every kindergartener in the state would have to take a form of sex education, deemed appropriate for their age level (as would we determined by un-elected state bureaucrats). One comprehensive sex education curriculum in use includes condom training for 9 yr. olds.
7. Severely undermines the current right of conscience of health care workers.
Click here to contact your representatives and tell them to vote "NO" on this HB2354 now.
Here's a letter that Kathy Ryg sent to a constituent, defending her support of HB 2354 (the Illinois "FOCA" bill). Note her misrepresentation of the teaching of the Catholic Church to justify her sponsorship of this monstrous bill.
We left out the name of the addressee:
Dear _____________,
Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding HB2354 - The Reproductive Health and Access Act. I am concerned that there is so much misinformation about what this legislation does and doesn't do, so hope you will be reassured by the facts of the bill. I am also concerned that so many would blindly believe that any legislator, especially those of us who are Catholic, would so blatantly disregard the right of conscience for health care workers. In fact, this bill protects both patients and medical professionals by allowing individual health care professionals to object to providing services under their right of conscience while still ensuring that patients receive timely, accurate and complete information about reproductive health care options.
In fact, it is the Catholic church's teaching regarding conscience that has guided my decision to support this legislation. As State Representative, it is my duty to represent the positions of my constituents based on the best information available. I have spent a great deal of time learning all sides of reproductive health issues and have attended conferences with my colleagues to become better informed on the church's teaching with the help of Catholics for Choice http://www.catholicsforchoice.org). There have always been and I would suggest always will be, two opposite positions on a woman's right to choose whether she has a baby or not. I firmly believe that it is a woman's right to make this decision for herself based on her faith in consultation with her medical professional. I certainly do not feel it is my right as legislator to dictate or judge any woman's choice.
I also believe that age appropriate, medically accurate, comprehensive sex education is vital to the healthy development and well being of our children. It is not fair to teach them abstinence only when they are exposed to references to sexuality in all aspects of our society. I believe a well balanced and informed curriculum will supplement, not supplant, the education they may or may not receive from their parents. And I know it is important for these curriculums to discuss all aspects of reproductive health including sexual abstinence until marriage, prevention and control of disease, including AIDS. I am convinced that no one wants to need an abortion and that access to information and contraception are the best protectors against unwanted pregnancies.
Emotions around the issues of reproductive health access run high. Rather than respond emotionally, I would ask that you take the time to read the language of the bill. You may still disagree, but please do so with a full understanding of the facts. I hope that through reasoned dialogue, respect for differences of opinion and without judgment of those who disagree with us, we can actually prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect a woman's right to make her own moral decisions about her reproductive health care.
You can read the full language of the legislation at this link www.ilga.gov from this site, search for HB2354 and note that House Amendment 1 replaces all the language and becomes the bill. The bill status link will indicate if new amendments are filed and adopted as the work on the bill continues.
As always, feel free to contact my office at 847-680-5909 for further clarification or for additional resource information.
Kathy Ryg
If Kathy Ryg is your Representative ("serving" the 59th District of northern Cook and Lake County) you may wish to call her (at 847-680-5909 and 217-782-0499) or email her (Kathy@kathyryg.org) and educate her on what the FOCA bill will REALLY do and what being Catholic REALLY is.
Contact: Bonnie Quirke
Source: Lake County Right to Life
Publish Date: March 26, 2009
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