Vote as if Lives Depend on It - Because They Do On Tuesday, we will participate in a historic election. The stakes are high, and the campaign hard-fought. Already, in states like North Carolina and Florida, early voting has drawn record-smashing crowds. The nation's voters are engaged in this election to a degree rare in American history, and pro-life voters must play their part. It is of paramount importance that values voters go to the voting booth on November 4th, and that they bring their pro-life convictions with them. There are stark differences between the two candidates on the life issues. John McCain has a perfect pro-life voting record in his years in the Senate, and has chosen a committed social conservative as his running mate. Barack Obama, for his part, has a record of consistently voting against the unborn. His radical stance in favor of abortion is illustrated by his insistence, at a Planned Parenthood function, that on the "fundamental issue" of choice, he "will not yield and Planned Parenthood will not yield." If elected, John McCain would: Veto the so-called Freedom of Choice Act," which would overturn any and all restrictions on abortion, including parental consent laws, waiting periods, informed consent laws and the like. Serve as a check on the Congress, where a pro-abortion majority dominates both the House and the Senate. Appoint strict constructionist justices to the Supreme Court, who less likely to distort the meaning of the Constitution to serve their political and ideological ends. Issue Executive Orders which protect and defend innocent human life. Sign pro-life laws and amendments into law, thus encouraging Congressional pro-lifers to work on behalf of such legislation Enjoy the support of a staunchly pro-life vice president. If elected, Barack Obama would: Sign into law the so-called Freedom of Choice Act." Preside over a government dominated by the party of abortion, putting both the executive and the legislative branches in the hands of a single party. Appoint justices on the basis of their "empathy," rather than on their adherence to the original intent of the Founders. Issue Executive Orders which promote the cause of abortion, and increase its numbers. Veto any pro-life laws and amendments that reached his desk. Serve with a vice president who shares his determination to promote abortion on demand without restrictions. Contact: Colin Mason Source: Population Research Institute Source URL: Publish Date: October 30, 2008 |