October 10, 2008


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
Woman Told To Remove 'Obama Is Pro-Abort' Yard Sign
A new political yard sign is stirring up controversy in an Ankeny neighborhood. Michelle Schadler said she posted the sign to criticize Sen. Barack Obama's "pro-choice" stance on abortion and she said she has every right to do so. "Nerves are very raw right now about the election, and I think that's why they got upset," said Schadler. Schadler used her computer to doctor an Obama sign. She said the president of the WaterCrest Homeowners Association told her to take them down because signs aren't allowed. "There are many other signs in the neighborhood," Schadler said. "They have not been asked to take theirs down. So it's obvious they find mine offensive. They're asking me to take it down."
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Planned Parenthood Still Planning for New Entrance
Five years after planning began for renovations to the Utica branch of Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson, costs have nearly doubled and work remains to be completed. Co-president and CEO of the organization, Margaret Roberts, said the parking lot was made larger, tripling the space for staff and patients. Work was also done to piping in the basement to avoid flooding, she said. Because of increased construction costs and additions to the original plan, costs have risen from $600,000 to more than $1 million, according to the organization. Plans are still in the works for additions to the reception area, waiting room and clinical space as well as a new entrance that Roberts said is much needed. “The patients need access without having to come in contact with picketers out front,” she said, “Some of whom harass them.”
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Stem-cell Science an Election Issue in 3 States
While the ongoing Wall Street rescue has riveted much of the country's attention, voters in three states - Michigan, North Carolina and Washington state - are being asked to consider a different controversial issue: whether potential cures for millions of Americans are worth the moral cost of destroying human embryos. This year, both Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama and Republican candidate John McCain say they support federal funding of the science. Political experts say stem-cell research is a surrogate for the abortion debate and serves as a litmus test of a candidate's liberal or conservative credentials.
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Nebraska's Child Dumping Law: Teens Being Abandoned At Hospitals
Frustrated parents are dumping their teenagers at Nebraska hospitals -- even crossing state lines to do it -- and the state Legislature has scheduled a special hearing to try to stem the tide. Nebraska's "safe haven" law, intended to allow parents to anonymously hand over an infant to a hospital without being prosecuted, isn't working out as planned. Of the 17 children relinquished since the law took effect in July, only four are younger than 10 -- and all four are among the nine siblings abandoned by a man September 24 at an Omaha hospital.
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