October 8, 2008

Don't Ask, Don't Tell at Planned Parenthood

Don't Ask, Don't Tell at Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio?
After reversing the decision that would have allowed Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio (PP) to keep secret their reports documenting whether or not PP is notifying authorities of instances of statutory rape of pregnant minors seeking abortion services at the Cincinnati clinic, the Ohio Supreme Court heard arguments yesterday to determine whether or not PP will indeed have to turn over their records.
In the case of Roe v. Planned Parenthood, the parents of Roe have alleged that their daughter was taken to PP by the adult male who sexually abused her when she was 14- years-old, resulting in her pregnancy.  They allege that not only did PP breach their duty when they failed to notify the proper authorities of their daughter's statutory rape but that PP breached their duty under Ohio's Parental Consent law by failing to get their consent for the abortion.
Rather than turn over the records that could conceivably exonerate them, PP is instead crying "privacy," even though the attorneys for Roe are not seeking private or identifying information, agreeing during yesterday's hearing that such information should be redacted.  Roe's attorneys are merely seeking to review records that document whether or not PP has reported any instances of statutory rape or notified any parent whose minor daughter sought abortion services at their Cincinnati clinic.  This request has been made in light of the exhibits already attached to the pleadings in this case where it is alleged that PP's policy of "don't ask, don't tell" with regard to statutory rape is revealed.
Attorney Brian Hurley was encouraged by the hearing yesterday, having stated previously about PP's contention that they follow mandated reporting requirements, "To me, their position is laughable."  In speaking of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, Hurley said, "It came from their own files, from their own trainer." 
Contact: Dana Cody
Source: Life Legal Defense Foundation
Source URL: www.lldf.org
Publish Date: October 8, 2008
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