
October 10, 2023

Kamala Harris at DNC: Protecting Babies from Abortion After Rape is "immoral"

At the Democratic National Committee meeting in St. Louis on Oct 6, Vice President Kamala Harris advocated against pro-life laws by arguing that protecting babies from abortion after rape is "immoral."

"...the policy proposal is essentially that after someone has survived a crime of violence to their body, a violation to their body, that they cannot have the authority to make a decision about what happens to their body next. That is immoral."

Only about 1% of women who have abortions make the decision because they became pregnant from rape. Further, many pro-life laws include exceptions for rape.

Regardless, the unborn child is not considered in Harris's statement. The baby is genetically distinct from the mother. Whether the unborn child is conceived in rape or not, violence against the mother is not rectified by enacting more violence against her child.

All the same, Harris doubled down by suggesting that Americans with pro-life beliefs should not advocate for pro-life laws. “ does not have to abandon their faith, or deeply held beliefs, to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body.”

Harris's statements show a lack of understanding of the pro-life position. Pro-lifers work hard to support both mothers and their children through political advocacy and direct support (such as crisis pregnancy centers). Pro-life Americans feel that they have an obligation to protect victims and the needy. They choose to do so through pro-life advocacy.