
July 31, 2023

Illegal VA Abortion Policy Now Granting Religious Exemptions

The US Department of Veterans Affairs, following a lawsuit from a Texas nurse, is now granting religious exemptions for employees who oppose abortion.

In response to the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade last year, the Biden administration made it a priority for the executive branch to support and promote abortion. To further this goal, Biden introduced a new policy last year to offer taxpayer-funded abortions to veterans and their dependents through the Department of Veterans Affairs. This policy was introduced in September of 2022, and it became effective after one month.

Stephanie Carter, a pro-life Texas nurse employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, sought a religious exemption from participating in abortion. When she was unable to obtain one, she filed a lawsuit in December. Carter is represented by First Liberty Attorney Holly Randall. Randall told the Washington Times that Carter "was told repeatedly by her supervisor  that there was no process or more information would be made available at some vague point in the future."

Danielle Runyan, senior counsel for First Liberty Institute, said, "Stephanie Carter is living proudly by her faith and should not be forced to choose between her faith and her career. Because of her courage, every VA employee in the nation can now seek a religious accommodation from participating in a procedure they find unconscionable."