
June 5, 2023

Ohio Supreme Court Rules Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative Can Move Forward

The Ohio Supreme Court ruled 7-0 that a proposed pro-abortion amendment to the state's constitution can move forward as a single initiative.

The proposed amendment would create constitutional rights to contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one's own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion. Pro-lifers with Cincinnati Right to Life argued before Ohio's Supreme Court that the amendment violated the "single-issue" limit created by the state constitution. The pro-lifers hoped to separate it into two or more proposals appearing on the ballot separately.

If approved by Ohio voters, the amendment would create a right to abortion up until the moment of birth.

Ohio's Supreme Court wrote in its decision that the five rights listed in the proposal meet the single-issue standard "because each provision relates to the single general purpose of protecting a person's reproductive rights."

“It’s disappointing that the court did not believe it was two issues; however, we knew that we had a tall order to overcome with this case,” said Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis. “The court ruling does not change our tactics and strategies, and we know we will be successful in November.”

“...We are very confident in our approach and our tactics to get a majority vote from Ohioans who want to see our constitution safeguarded from out-of-state groups.”