
June 15, 2023

American Medical Association Rejects Resolution to Protect Babies who Survive Abortion

This week in Chicago, delegates at an annual meeting of the American Medical Association voted down a resolution for the AMA to “advocate for availability of the highest standard of neonatal care to [an] aborted fetus born alive at a gestational age of viability.”

Self-described "pro-choice" Dr. Thomas Eppes introduced the resolution. "This position is not to argue the woman's right to choose ... The decision to abort is still between the patient and the physician," Eppes said. "It does not imply the woman's responsibility for the fetal life, but this resolution places the burden of care on the physician, who now has to care for two patients once the fetus is viable."

“Eppes was the only person who spoke in favor of the resolution, which was voted down 476 to 106,” MedPage reported.

"Our policy should be based on science, it should be based on fact, and it should be based on the best available evidence that honors and upholds the value of the patient-physician relationship and the nuance and complexity of medical care," responded Kavita Rora, MD. She spoke on behalf of the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. "It is not a one-size-fits-all approach and should not be based on misinformation or disinformation. I strongly urge you to oppose."

Arora was the only speaker who spoke in opposition to the resolution. She did not offer an explanation as to what parts of Eppes's argument were based on "misinformation or disinformation."