
June 13, 2023

Abortionists File Lawsuit Challenging Kansas "Woman's Right to Know" Act

A group of Kansas abortion businesses filed a lawsuit challenging Kansas's new law requiring informed consent for women considering abortions.

Kansas's "Woman's Right to Know" Act requires abortion businesses to provide the following information to abortion-minded women:
  • she can change her mind and withdraw consent to the abortion
  • whether the abortion business has received any disciplinary action by the state medical board
  • she has a 24-hour period think before going through with the abortion
  • a complete list of medical risks and potential complications
  • she has a right to view her ultrasound and/or hear the child's heartbeat at no additional expense
  • the child's gestational age
  • Abortion pill reversal (APR) can be used to reverse the effects of the abortion pill mifepristone if taken soon enough. This method can save the child's life if the mother changes her mind after taking mifepristone.