
May 19, 2023

Nevada Legislators Advance Measure to Create Constitutional Right to Abortion

On May 10, Nevada lawmakers voted to advance a proposed constitutional amendment creating a right to abortion.

The description of the proposed amendment says that it,
“guarantees each individual in this State a fundamental right to reproductive freedom; authorizes the State to regulate abortion care after fetal viability with certain exceptions; and prevents the State from penalizing, prosecuting or taking any other adverse action against an individual or entity for exercising the right to reproductive freedom or for aiding or assisting another individual in exercising his or her right to reproductive freedom.”

To amend the state constitution, legislators must pass the proposal again in 2025 for it to appear on the ballot for voters in 2026.

Abortion is already legal through 24 weeks under Nevada law. This amendment would further cement and expand abortion in the state. Nevada Right to Life argues that the vague and broad language in the amendment would do far more than its description states.

In a legislative alert, Nevada Right to Life argued that the amendment would allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, eliminate parental consent, and remove safety regulations.

SJR7 is poorly conceived, poorly written, and is an over-broad word salad that at best will keep Nevada Courts occupied for a decade deciding what it really means and at worst turn Nevada into an abortion industrial complex preying on one of the greatest tragedies a woman faces.

Click here to read more.