
April 14, 2023

Ohio Pro-Lifers Sue to Split Proposed Amendment into Separate Proposals

Members of Cincinnati Right to Life filed a lawsuit with the Ohio Supreme Court arguing that a pro-abortion amendment being proposed for the November ballot violates the state Constitution's procedures.

The lawsuit filed by Margaret DeBlase and John Giroux argues that the proposed amendment covers multiple issues, but constitutional amendments are limited to single proposals.

As written, the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety amendment would create rights to contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one's own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion.

Curt Hartman, the attorney representing the pro-lifers, told the Daily Signal that the amendment offers, “a laundry list of five different things: contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, abortion, and continuing one’s own pregnancy.” He also told the Daily Signal that, “any proposed constitutional amendment can only propose what [the law] characterize[s] as one proposal.”

Hartman further told the Daily Signal that his clients are, “not trying to keep [the] amendment off the ballot,” but instead asking the Ohio Supreme Court to separate it into multiple amendments.

Supporters of the amendment are currently trying to collect 413,000 signatures before July 5 to place it on Ohio's November ballot.