
April 12, 2023

Chicago Abortionist Calls Off Ambulance for Hemorrhaging Patient

On Feb 9, 2023, the Carafem abortion business in Chicago, Illinois called 911 to request an ambulance for a hemorrhaging 32-year-old patient. Carafem sent the ambulance away without the patient, but an employee had to call 911 a second time when the patient began hemorrhaging again.

Operation Rescue, an organization that highlights how abortion businesses physically harm women in addition to unborn children, obtained a recording of the 911 calls.

During the second call, a Carafem employee told the dispatcher, "The client is hemorrhaging. The ambulance came and she stopped at the point that they arrived. The doctor didn't think it was necessary for her to go to the hospital, and the moment she got up she started hemorrhaging again."

Hemorrhaging can occur during both surgical and drug-induced abortions. Excessive bleeding during hemorrhage can lead to death. By turning away medical professionals, Carafem put this woman's life at risk.

“This abortion business, like all the others, has shown evidence that it is profit driven and not motivated by patient care,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The fact that the abortionist sent the medical care professionals away when this poor woman was suffering from a hemorrhage, possibly a life-threatening emergency, just confirms what we already knew. These abortionists do not care about women, they care about their bottom dollar and their reputation.