
February 15, 2023

New Champaign Abortion Clinic Offers Abortion up to Six Months

On Feb 11, a new late-term abortion business named Equity Clinic opened in Champaign. Equity clinic offers abortion through 23 weeks and six days gestation, and it functions as a training center for abortionists.

The clinic's website reads, “Equity Clinic provides high-quality, compassionate reproductive health care, including first- and second-trimester abortions and contraception, while ensuring future access to care by teaching learners within our practice.”

Equity clinic offers the abortion pill regimen through 10 weeks gestation and surgical abortions through 23 weeks and six days gestation. Abortions at this stage of development use the dilation and evacuation procedure. Pro-life advocates often call these abortions "dismemberment abortions." This is because an abortionist uses metal forceps to tear the unborn child apart and remove each piece from the mother's womb. As the body is torn apart, the child bleeds to death.