
February 10, 2023

Biden Asks Congress to Pass Pro-Abortion "Equality Act"

During his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Joe Biden asked Congress to pass the Equality Act. This pro-abortion bill would end conscience protections for doctors and force taxpayers to fund abortion.

The Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by defining pro-life laws and conscience protections as discrimination.

The Equality Act was considered by Congress in 2021. At the time, Jennifer Popik, director of federal legislation for the National Right to Life Committee, said, “If enacted, [the Equality Act] would open the door for widespread litigation wherein any attempt to restrict abortion, including the funding of abortion, would constitute discrimination.”

“Forcing health care providers to perform abortions in violation of their conscience rights clearly violates the Constitution,” said NRLC President Carol Tobias. “But pro-abortion forces and their allies in Congress are more concerned about expanding access to abortion.”