Planned Parenthood's Center for Sex Education, which proclaims itself as "the nation's largest provider of sex education," has come under fire recently for its director's comments calling children "sexual beings" and advocating "porn literacy."
Fox found that these comments were echoed in Planned Parenthood's teaching guide entitled "Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality." Part of the guide reads, "sexuality is a part of life through all the ages and stages. Babies, elders, and everyone in between can experience sexuality."
The report also mentions a 2012 interview with Tavern that discusses the topic of pornography.
"I think that there's this yearning for information that young people have that… hasn't changed," Tavern said. "[The] delivery of how we get information is quite different. I think that the internet is a major influence on how people learn about sexuality. There's access to erotica, pornography. That was very different for young people 30 years ago. It's certainly not as accessible, certainly not as instantaneous. So there's a lot of information that is useful."
Later in a 2021 interview, he likened instruction about pornography to instruction about condoms.
"There's a resistance to... if we talk about porn, [some think] is it going to make people want to watch it? Which is the same faulty kind of premise as if we teach about condoms, it's going to make people want to have sex with condoms or maybe that's not a bad thing," Tavern said.
Inviting young students to be "sexual beings" with "porn literacy" encourages sexual behavior. This behavior harms children who are not yet capable of consenting to sex or caring for a child. While harming students, Planned Parenthood profits by encouraging students to abort unwelcome pregnancies.