
November 2, 2022

Title X Grants to Planned Parenthood Approach $17 Million This Year

Planned Parenthood has received nearly $17 million in Title X grants this year according to the HHS Office of Population Affairs.

As of Nov 1, 2022, $16,818,770 have been awarded to Planned Parenthood Affiliates in 13 states.

LiveAction News highlighted how the funds are used to fund Planned Parenthood affiliates in each of these states:
  • Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Alaska): $1,102,570
  • Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc. (Connecticut): $1,890,000
  • Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Idaho): $538,040
  • Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Indiana): $542,670
  • Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Kentucky): $500,610
  • Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (Minnesota): $2,880,000
  • Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (New Hampshire): $502,500
  • Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (North Carolina): $477,720
  • Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (Ohio): $2,000,000
  • Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (South Carolina): $569,980
  • Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning & Preventative Health Services (Texas): $2,305,890
  • Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (Utah): $2,250,000
  • Virginia League for Planned Parenthood (Virginia): $1,258,790
Millions more taxpayer dollars were spent to fund abortion organizations through the Title X grant program. Essential Access Health received over $15 million. Family Planning Association of Maine was given nearly $2 million. New Jersey Family Planning League received $8.5 million.

This money, which is entrusted to the federal government by taxpayers, is being used to fund acts that intentionally end the lives of unborn children. It is done under the guise of health care, and the funding helps enable abortion businesses to profit and take advantage of women in difficult circumstances.