
April 29, 2022

Oklahoma Heartbeat Act Passes Legislature

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R)
The Oklahoma House voted on April 28 to approve the Oklahoma Heartbeat Act, a bill designed to mirror the Texas Heartbeat Act. The Senate voted to pass the legislation in March, so now it goes to Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) for final approval. If signed, the law will take effect immediately.

Gov. Stitt has pledged to sign all pro-life bills that reach his desk.

Like Texas's Heartbeat Act, Oklahoma's bill would prohibit the abortion of unborn children with detectable heartbeats, which generally occurs at six weeks. It would be enforced through civil lawsuits rather than directly by the Oklahoma state government. That aspect of the Texas law has allowed it to survive legal challenges so far.

Oklahoma's Heartbeat Act includes exceptions for medical emergencies.

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