
April 19, 2022

Massachusetts City Bans Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Centers

A new city ordinance for Somerville, Massachusetts bans pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) from operating within city limits.

The city council unanimously voted to pass the ordinance, arguing that PRCs mislead and harm women by refusing to provide or promote abortion. There were PRCs in the city, but the ordinance was enacted with the intention of preventing any from establishing themselves in the future. Violators will be subject to a $300 fine.

“[I’m] very proud of the CPC Ordinance as it can make a direct impact on many residents’ lives, ensuring that my constituents have the dignity to make their own medical decisions based on accurate healthcare information,” said City Councilor-at-Large Kristen Strezo. “This shows my continued commitment to the protection of abortion rights, access to reproductive health care, and an individual’s right to make reproductive decisions about one’s own body.”

After the ordinance passed, Planned Parenthood put out a statement thanking the council members for supporting "reproductive rights and reproductive justice." The ordinance certainly benefits the abortion giant by prohibiting pro-life competition. In addition to ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and consultations, PRCs help parents care for their children after they are born by providing baby items, financial assistance, and referrals for other assistance.