
March 1, 2022

Thomas More Society Takes Action Against Groups Violating Texas Heartbeat Act

The Thomas More Society took preliminary steps to take legal action against two abortion groups which have each enabled the abortion of unborn children with detectable heartbeats.

Texas's Heartbeat Act prohibits the abortion of unborn children with detectable heartbeats. Any person who knowingly aids or abets an abortion can be sued under this law, potentially facing a fine of $10,000.

The Thomas More Society wrote in a press release that it has filed petitions for pre-lawsuit discovery against leaders of the Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity and the Texas Equal Access Fund. According to the group, the directors of both groups "have admitted in court that their organizations paid for at least one abortion of an unborn child in Texas that had a detectable heartbeat."

“If they are funding abortions in violation of the Texas Heartbeat Law, they can be held accountable,” said Thomas More Society Tom Brejcha. “…This is an attempt to see whether there are violations and, if so, seek accountability. In other words, it’s not just a toothless statement or aspirational ideal. It’s an applicable and effective law with teeth.”