
March 4, 2022

Supreme Court Rules AG Cameron Can Defend Pro-Life Law

Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron
The Supreme Court ruled in an 8-1 decision that Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron can defend a pro-life law after another state official refused to do so.

When pro-abortion Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear refused to defend a law prohibiting dismemberment abortions after 11 weeks gestation, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron stepped forward to defend the law. A lower court argued, however, that he had entered the process too late. Daniel fought a legal battle all the way to the Supreme Court for the right to defend this law, and this week he succeeded at the highest court.

“We applaud the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court for recognizing the right of a state officer to defend a state law when a pro-abortion governor refuses to do so,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.

“Changing political winds do not give state officials the right to ignore a law passed by the duly-elected members of the state legislature and signed into law by a predecessor in the governor’s office,” Tobias continued. “It is outrageous that a lower court would act to prevent the attorney general of a state from defending a duly passed law.”