
March 22, 2022

New WHO Guidelines Advocate Abortion Without Limits

photo credit: Guilhem Vellut / Flickr
The World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations, released new guidelines earlier this month advocating that all countries throughout the world legalize abortion until birth with no restrictions.

“Being able to obtain safe abortion is a crucial part of health care,” said Craig Lissner, acting Director for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO. “Nearly every death and injury that results from unsafe abortion is entirely preventable. That’s why we recommend women and girls can access abortion and family planning services when they need them.”

The WHO strangely argues that legalizing and deregulating abortion makes it safer.

“It’s vital that an abortion is safe in medical terms,” Dr. Bela Ganatra, Head of WHO’s Prevention of Unsafe Abortion Unit, said. “But that’s not enough on its own. As with any other health services, abortion care needs to respect the decisions and needs of women and girls, ensuring that they are treated with dignity and without stigma or judgment. No one should be exposed to abuse or harms like being reported to the police or put in jail because they have sought or provided abortion care.”

Not only does abortion almost always end in the death of an innocent human being, it also poses risks to the women who have abortions. This is especially true as unsupervised at-home abortions using the abortion pill regimen become more common. Women who have undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies or don't realize that they are attempting the abortion pill past the recommended gestational age are at much higher risk of injury or death.