
March 18, 2022

Kentucky Senate Passes 15 Week Abortion Ban

On March 16, the Kentucky Senate 31-6 passed a bill protecting babies from abortion after 15 weeks. The legislation advances to the Kentucky House.

The bill states, “no person shall intentionally perform or induce or intentionally attempt to perform an abortion on a pregnant woman when the probable gestational age of the unborn child is 15 weeks or greater.”

This bill is modeled after Mississippi's "Gestational Age Act," which is currently being considered by the US Supreme Court. In that case, Mississippi has asked the high court to overturn Roe v. Wade. The Roe v. Wade decision prohibits states from banning abortion prior to viability. If it is overturned, states will have the freedom to regulate abortion how they choose.

Kentucky Sen. Max Wise, who sponsored the bill, told senators that passing it would ensure Kentucky has a “pro-life law in place that would not be subject to a good-faith legal challenge,” if the Supreme Court upholds Mississippi's law.