
February 14, 2022

Ohio State University "Sex Week" Asks Students to Make Valentines for Abortionists

Ohio State University is sponsoring an event called "Sex Week" from Feb 13-19. As part of this event, the school is encouraging students to send valentines to thank abortionists.

"Sex Week" is being hosted by a pro-abortion campus group, and it is being funded by Ohio State University and NARAl Pro-Choice America.

In addition to the valentines event, the school will host a panel discussion about how to fight for "reproductive rights" and an open-mic fundraising event for Texas abortionists.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, criticized Ohio state for hosting such "Sex Week" events:
"It’s pathetic that schools are ignoring their mandate to educate students and instead act as though their real purpose is facilitating the parties. This is a great disservice to students. And a huge waste of money for parents. Almost always ignored by these sponsors is the fact that you can’t protect emotionally vulnerable students from a broken heart when they follow the false pitch that all consequences — babies included — can be ignored."

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