
December 10, 2021

March For Life Chicago Returning Next Month

On January 8, over 10,000 pro-life advocates are expected to attend March for Life Chicago. At that event, supporters will rally to support protections for unborn babies.

Event organizers point out that Illinois is the "abortion capital of the midwest." Illinois policies not only create high rates of abortion among Illinoisans, they also draw women and girls from throughout the midwest to get abortions during any stage of pregnancy. Data from state health departments show that 46,517 abortions occurred in Illinois during 2019. That is more abortions than each of Illinois's neighboring states combined.

March for Life Chicago's organizers also point out that 7,534 of Illinois abortions that year were on residents from other states. This was an increase of 1,866 out-of-state abortions from 2018.

“While most of the Midwest works to respect the humanity of the unborn, Illinois tragically pushes abortion at any cost,” said Kevin Grillot, director of the March for Life Chicago. “The Illinois legislature’s repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act shows that they would rather appease the abortion industry than respect parents’ rights to be involved in their children’s lives.”

Without the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, abortion businesses will no longer be required to notify minors' parents before they have abortions.

“The people of Illinois and across the Midwest will not sit back while radical Illinois legislators remove the rights of parents and unborn children. This is why a record-breaking number of people are responding to our call to save Midwestern lives and march in Chicago.” Grillot said. “On January 8 we will peacefully march to mourn the tragic loss of lives to abortion, call for the respect of every life, and inspire ongoing support of mothers who choose life!”

Events during March for Life Chicago will include a convention, diaper drive, youth rally, educational sessions, a Catholic Mass, a Lutheran gathering, and a banquet.

Click here to read more from the March for Life Chicago website.