
December 14, 2021

IL Rep Withdraws Attempt to Force Insurance Companies to Discriminate Against Unvaccinated Illinoisans

IL State Rep. Jonathan Carroll
Last week, IL State Rep. Jonathan Carroll introduced a bill that would force unvaccinated individuals to pay their own medical bills if they were hospitalized with COVID-19, even if they had health insurance. The bill was unpopular that he filed a motion to table the bill three days later.

As summarised on the official webpage for the Illinois General Assembly, HB4259 would have required that "that a group or individual policy of accident and health insurance that is amended, delivered, issued, or renewed on or after January 1, 2023 shall provide that a person who is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and chooses not to be vaccinated shall pay for health care expenses out-of-pocket if the person becomes hospitalized because of COVID-19 symptoms."

Many pro-life advocates oppose the currently available COVID-19 vaccines due to their connection with abortion. All available COVID-19 vaccines made use of cell lines harvested from aborted babies during their research and/or production phases. Pro-life individuals, many of whom refuse to take the vaccine for that reason, would have faced severe discrimination if this bill had been passed into law.