November 26, 2021

Tennessee to Pay Legal Fees for Abortion Businesses Temporarily Closed During 2020

Tennessee has agreed to a settlement with abortion businesses in the state to pay their legal costs for suing over Gov. Bill Lee's executive order that banned non-essential medical procedures for a period of time in 2020. The order was designed to preserve personal protective equipment for hospitals during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tennessee will pay $249,000 to abortion businesses to cover their legal costs. The prosecuting parties to be awarded taxpayer dollars include "Bristol Regional Women’s Center, CHOICES, the Memphis Center for Reproductive Health, the Knoxville Center for Reproductive Health, Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi, and Dr. Kimberly Looney — an OB/GYN affiliated with Planned Parenthood" according to Live Action.

The abortionists argued that ending the lives of innocent unborn humans is essential, and the legal system, unfortunately, agreed with them. A Nashville judge blocked the order from applying to abortion, and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Tennessee's request to hear the case.