The Supreme Court declared in its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that abortion is a constitutional right. The Supreme Court doubled down on this with its Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision in 1992, and courts throughout the country have referred to these decisions as precedent for decades.
The same poll claims that 65% of Americans believe the Supreme Court should overturn the Texas Heartbeat Act.
Dr. Micheal New, a Research Associate of Political Science and Social Research at the Catholic University of America, argued that the poll, while showing that there is a lot of work yet to be done by pro-life advocates, arguably shows that pro-lifers have gained some ground in the culture war.
“This poll shows that 60 percent of respondents think the Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade,” New wrote on Twitter. “Of the three [ABC/Washington Post] polls taken in the past 13 months — this represents the lowest level of support for the Roe v. Wade decision. Historically, Roe v. Wade has polled better than 60%. [Sixteen] surveys taken by [Quinnipiac] found support for Roe v. Wade averaged 64%. [Five] recent [Kaiser Family Foundation] surveys found support for Roe v. Wade averaged 67%. However, this [ABC/Washington Post] poll found only 60% support.”