
October 13, 2021

Montana District Judge Extends Injunctions Against Three Pro-Life Laws

Late last Thursday, Montana District Judge Michael Moses issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of three pro-life laws. This injunction extends his original order which blocked the laws the day before their Oct. 1 effective date.

The Montana Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act bans the abortion of unborn children after 20 weeks of development.

House Bill 140 requires abortionists to give abortion-minded women the ability to view an ultrasound of their children.

HB171 regulates the use of abortion drugs by requiring women to give informed consent to their use, requiring these women to visit an abortion business in person, and prohibiting the distribution of abortion drugs through the mail.

Judge Moses said he blocked the laws because they would cause "irreparable harm" to Planned Parenthood and women by taking away a constitutionally protected right.