A 911
event printout
provided by the Pro-Life Action League revealed that an ambulance was called
to the Planned Parenthood location on July 15, 2021. It was dispatched under
priority code 1A, meaning that the emergency was considered critical.
The Planned Parenthood employee who spoke with the 911 dispatcher said that
the patient might have a perforation. This can occur when the metal
instruments used during a dilation and evacuation abortion tear through the
lining of a woman's uterus. This is a life-threatening injury that can cause
severe bleeding and damage to internal organs.
Operation Rescue has documented a total of 24 medical emergencies at the Neart
North Planned Parenthood in the past five years. Most of these involved
uncontrolled hemorrhaging, which can be caused by uterine perforations and
cervical lacerations.