
September 30, 2021

Parental Notice Repeal and TEXAS Act to be Considered During Fall Session

Pro-life advocates in Illinois would be wise to turn their attention to state politics throughout the coming month, as the fall legislative session is about to begin.

Oct. 19-21 and Oct. 26-28 mark the dates for the upcoming fall session. During October, pro-life advocates need to be on the lookout for legislation repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and any new pro-abortion bills that may appear. One of these bills is HB4146, otherwise known as the TEXAS Act, which was filed by Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D) on Sept. 14.

HB4146 is designed both to simultaneously mock and undermine the Texas Heartbeat Act, which prohibits the abortion of unborn children when they have detectable heartbeats (around 6 weeks gestation). The Texas Heartbeat Act allows individuals to file lawsuits against those who assist in the killing of unborn children with detectable heartbeats. If the defendant is found guilty of aborting such a child or aiding and abetting in such an abortion, the prosecuting party could win $10,000.

HB4146 would allow an individual to file a lawsuit against a person who "commits an act of sexual assault or domestic abuse or causes an unintended pregnancy, regardless of circumstances; knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets a sexual assault or domestic abuse or causes an unintended pregnancy, regardless of circumstances; or intends to engage in that act or conduct." If the defendant is found guilty, the prosecutor would be awarded $5,000, and $5,000 would be added to the "State Abortion Freedom Expansion Fund." That fund will be used "to pay the costs of abortions for pregnant persons who travel to Illinois from states that prohibit abortions."

Keep watching this blog and subscribe to the IFRL newsletter to see more updates as the fall session approaches.