
July 1, 2019

Their facility has seriously injured dozens of women. And Planned Parenthood just gave them an award.

Their facility has seriously injured dozens of women. And Planned Parenthood just gave them an award.
Planned Parenthood just bestowed “Media Excellence” awards upon various Planned Parenthood-friendly journalists, as well as the highest “Care. No Matter What” award to staff associated with Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, Missouri. The facility has had more than six dozen medical emergencies in the past ten years, and put women’s lives at risk due to failed abortions. The Media Excellence awards, previously named the “Maggie Award,” or the “Margaret Sanger” award, after eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger, was recently changed without fanfare or explanation.

Despite the dangers the facility may pose to women, and the state health department’s decision not to issue the facility a license, a commissioner has just granted Planned Parenthood another reprieve, allowing the unlicensed abortion vendor to continue providing abortion services until a hearing set for August 1.  Click here for more.