
June 14, 2019

VIDEO: Seventh woman in 16 weeks taken by ambulance from NYC Planned Parenthood

Seventh woman in 16 weeks taken by ambulance from NYC Planned Parenthood
Operation Rescue has reported that yet another woman was transported by ambulance from New York City’s Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood on June 7. This marks the seventh woman transported in just 16 weeks from this dangerous abortion facility.

Pro-life activists praying at the scene obtained photographs and video footage of a woman being loaded into an ambulance after coming out of the facility. Two ambulances were called to the scene to assist the woman, a trend which Operation Rescue has noticed with increasing regularity. The organization previously surmised that the Sanger Center may be attempting a workaround of the 911-system, resulting in confusion with multiple ambulances dispatched for one patient. Bypassing the 911-exchange would mean that there were no public records of the ambulance dispatch.