
June 17, 2019

VIDEO: Abortion botched in Chicago, the same day Illinois law passed

VIDEO: Abortion botched in Chicago, the same day Illinois law passed
A post-abortive woman at a facility in Chicago was rushed to the hospital last week after suffering from what seems like symptoms of a hemorrhage.

According to Operation Rescue and the Pro-Life Action League, a 911 call was placed for a woman who had undergone a surgical abortion at the Family Planning Associates facility in Chicago. Operation Rescue obtained audio of the 911 call.“The patient had an outpatient surgical procedure today which was uneventful,” a physician’s assistant said. “But after surgery, she started to become hypertensive and tachycardic. She’s not responsive to fluid boluses. She’s responsive, her vitals are stable now that they’re down a little bit. She can get up and walk to the bathroom, so she’s stable but she needs to go to the hospital.”  Click here for more.