
June 20, 2019

Possible legal challenges to sweeping new abortion law limited in scope, pro-life legal expert says

Possible legal challenges to sweeping new abortion law limited in scope, pro-life legal expert says
Legal challenges to the newly minted Reproductive Health Act (RHA) that lifts all restrictions on abortion in Illinois will come in response to narrow applications of the law, Clarke Forsythe (pictured), senior counsel at Americans United for Life, told Prairie State Wire.

Nothing about the law, at least on the face of it, violates the Illinois or U.S. Constitution,” he said.

The way the law is implemented and enforced, however, could invite a challenge – for example, holding a doctor or other health care provider who is opposed to abortion in violation of the law if they refuse to participate in an abortion or refuse to refer a patient to an abortion provider.

That would violate the state’s Right of Conscience Act,” Forsyth said.  Click here for more.