
June 6, 2019

House Democrats hold hearing to advocate for abortion without limits until birth

House Democrats hold hearing to advocate for abortion without limits until birth

House Democrats held a hearing ominously entitled, “Threats to Reproductive Rights in America,” mean to criticize the wave of pro-life laws passing in the states and reinforce Democrats’ full-throated commitment to allowing abortion for any reason up to the moments of birth.

In their statements and their questions, Democrat members of Congress doubled-down on what has now become the standard position of Democrats, including all those running for President.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said in his opening statement:

It is my hope that today’s hearing is Congress’ first step towards shoring up the right to abortion across this country through legislation like Representative Judy Chu’s Women’s Health Protection Act which would put an end to states banning or otherwise limiting access to abortion or Representative Barbara Lee’s EACH Woman Act which would end abortion coverage bans or other legislative initiatives.

An analysis of these two radical pieces of legislation show how committed to abortion on demand through all 40 weeks the Democrats have become.

H.R. 2975, formally titled the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” is sponsored by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Ct.) and strongly opposed by National Right to Life. The bill is strongly supported by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, NARAL, and other pro-abortion activist groups. A more accurate title for this radical bill would be the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act.”

H.R. 2975, if enacted and upheld by the federal courts, would invalidate nearly all state limitations on abortion, including waiting periods and women’s right-to-know laws. For example, it would invalidate state laws to protect pain-capable unborn children after 20 weeks fetal age — and would require all states to allow abortion even during the final three months of pregnancy based on an abortionist’s claim of “health” benefits, including mental health.

H.R. 2975 would also invalidate nearly all existing federal laws limiting abortion. For further information on this sweeping legislation, including testimony against it presented to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee by NRLC President Carol Tobias in 2014, click here.

The “EACH Woman Act” (H.R. 1693) sponsored by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Ca.) and also strongly opposed by National Right to Life, would mandate coverage of abortion without limitation in Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and other federally funded health insurance programs. (An array of federal laws currently restricts such coverage in some, but not all, federally subsidized health programs.)

In addition, the bill would nullify the laws in effect in about half of the states that restrict coverage of abortion in health plans sold on the Obamacare exchanges, and all other state laws or policies that “inhibit insurance coverage of abortion by private health plans.”  Click here for more.