
June 26, 2019

GoFundMe is now actively raising money for Planned Parenthood

GoFundMe is now actively raising money for Planned Parenthood
Pro-lifers are shocked after learning that GoFundMe, one of the largest crowdfunding platforms, is corporately seeking funds to donate to Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations. In an e-mail sent to people who have donated to GoFundMe, donations were requested to help “fight back” against pro-life laws by giving to Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations. What GoFundMe has done with this campaign is shocking, because they are not merely allowing their site to be used to raise money, but are promoting the campaign themselves, and have come out squarely on the pro-abortion side of the debate. The campaign has been featured heavily on social media already, with GoFundMe tweeting it from their account, and showing their support as pro-abortion users share the campaign as well.

“In response to the abortion bans sweeping the country, five organizations have decided to #FightBack to protect reproductive rights and make sure people can access the care they need,” the company’s e-mail read. “Join the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the National Network of Abortion Funds in the fight to protect reproductive rights. Your support for the #FightBack campaign will help fund legal battles in court, provide critical services across the country, and encourage legislative bodies to take steps to protect reproductive rights —all with a single donation.”  Click here for more.