
June 26, 2019

British pro-lifers rally against forced abortion: ‘Unlikely that this is a one-off case’

British pro-lifers rally against forced abortion: ‘Unlikely that this is a one-off case’
British opponents of forced abortion rallied outside England’s Houses of Parliament yesterday.

The “Stand With Her” demonstration yesterday evening was both ebullient and serious in the wake of an Appeals Court overturn of an earlier decision in the Courts of Protection that a Nigerian disabled woman living in Britain should be forced to have an abortion.  

In an address to the rally, Emmi Egbonou stated “The fact that the state can force a late-term abortion on a woman who did not want one is not the kind of state we want to live in. The fact that a judge could make a ruling to force an abortion on a vulnerable woman without her consent is a betrayal of the justice system and betrayal of the most vulnerable in our society.”  Click here for more.