
June 3, 2019

Abortionist: ‘Not being pregnant anymore’ is medical reason for abortion

Abortionist: ‘Not being pregnant anymore’ is medical reason for abortion
Notorious abortionist Leah Torres is at it again. After engaging in a debate online with the Dank Pro-Life Memes account, Torres began discussing the concept of when human life begins and what exactly abortion encompasses — and admitted that not wanting to be pregnant anymore counts as a “medical reason” for a woman to undergo an abortion.

At the beginning of the conversation, Torres seemed to acknowledge the humanity of the preborn, tweeting, “Human beings are pregnant with human beings.” But then, when asked to describe how she would describe what happens during an abortion, she responded, “Products of conception are removed from the uterine cavity.” She also tried to argue that being pro-life is meaningless, as everyone is pro-life. But then the notion of opposing abortion unless it’s medically necessary was broached, to which Torres had a surprising response.  Click here for more.