
May 7, 2019

VIDEO: Pro-abortion State Rep. bullies and harasses elderly pro-life woman

Pro-abortion State Rep. bullies and harasses elderly pro-life woman
Because his distasteful and bullying behavior was caught on video (in fact, he videotaped the exchange himself), I’m guessing the uproar over Pennsylvania Democratic State Rep. Brian Sims’ abominable treatment of an elderly pro-life woman will not blow over in a day or two. Or, at least I can hope not.

Sims’ behavior toward the unnamed woman goes beyond whether he broke state law. According to columnist Timothy Meads, Sims either didn’t know or didn’t care that he needed her permission to record her words while he badgered her outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in his 182nd district.

And as the eight-minute long video makes clear, Sims, on more than one occasion, indicates he wants (actually demands) to have a conversation. Each time “the women says no and does not give permission to record,” Meads explains.  Click here for more.