
May 9, 2019

VIDEO: Abortion activist attacks pro-lifer on campus, gets assault charge from police

VIDEO: Abortion activist attacks pro-lifer on campus, gets assault charge from police
A pro-abortion activist assaulted one of Created Equal's team members in a shocking new video. Created Equal was conducting a campus tour traveling to 14 college campuses in 3 states to display large signs depicting the gruesome reality of abortion and to engage students in conversation about this human injustice.

Our traveling team was attacked during its visit to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on April 2nd, 2019. Footage of the outburst begins with a woman asking our team, "Did you put these [signs] up?" When they respond affirmatively, she proceeds to repeatedly punch and kick a member of our staff. Watch the attack and hear from law enforcement that the student is being charged with assault the video below.  Click here for more.