
May 1, 2019

ACLU sues over Indiana’s ban on dismemberment abortions and expansion of conscience protections

ACLU sues over Indiana’s ban on dismemberment abortions and expansion of conscience protections
Two days after Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed into law House Enrolled Act 1211, which bans the practice of dismembering living unborn children, and Senate Bill 201, which expands Indiana law to extend conscience protections to additional medical providers, the ACLU filed a lawsuit.

“HEA 1211 will discourage women from obtaining abortions and will impose a substantial and unwarranted burden on women’s ability to obtain second-trimester, pre-viability, abortions,” huffed Ken Falk, legal director at the ACLU of Indiana.

The ACLU also couldn’t abide Senate Bill 201, authored by Sen. Liz Brown. State law previously allowed only physicians and hospital employees to object to participating in abortions for ethical, moral or religious reasons. SB 201 extends conscience protections to other medical providers, including nurses, physician assistants and pharmacists.  Click here for more.