
April 4, 2019

The wealthiest man in the world was born to a high school teenage mother

The wealthiest man in the world was born to a high school teenage mother

Many know about the story of how Apple founder Steve Jobs was born to an unwed college student and was placed with an adoptive family. But not many know the story of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who, though now a household name, also came from less than glamorous beginnings. Bezos’ mother was a teenager when she got pregnant, and had she been pushed to have an abortion, none of the things Bezos has built and accomplished would exist. Bezos left a lucrative job on Wall Street to found Amazon — a decision that made him the richest man in the world.

In 1964, Jacklyn Gise, just 16 years old, got pregnant. She had to battle the forces that worked against high school students who face teenage pregnancies — except that she, unlike many other teenage mothers, had the support of her parents. Bezos credits his family for this support, which continued into his childhood, and which he says gave him the ability to take the risks he has.

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