
April 2, 2019

Abortionist’s Unethical Study Will Have Women Abort Twice to Disprove Abortion Pill Reversal

Abortionist’s Unethical Study Will Have Women Abort Twice to Disprove Abortion Pill Reversal
Definitively derided as “unscientific” by abortion fanatics the world over, Abortion Pill Reversal is now being put to the test in an unconscionable new study which promises 40 women an abortion by the project’s end.

Orchestrated by California abortionist Mitchell Creinin, the study sets out to determine whether the reversal protocol is actually as ineffective as Creinin insists. His goal is to create a “formal study that can be definitive.”

“I want to own that,” he told NPR in an article published last week.

Ownership of that study would, of course, be a top priority for a man with some skin in the game, since Creinin, as it turns out, is compensated by the very lab that distributes the chemical abortion pill, mifepristone, across the United States.

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