
March 14, 2019

US House Democrats reject voting on Born Alive Protection bill for 17th time

US House Democrats reject voting on Born Alive Protection bill for 17th time
This week, the US House Democrat rejected the 17th call for a vote to protect babies born alive after a botched abortion.

Wednesday, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) and several House Republican colleagues called on the Democratic leadership once again to allow a vote on Born Alive protections. The proposal would protect babies that survive abortion and provide them with the same medical care that any other premature baby would receive.

Joining the Congressman and House Republican leaders at the press conference this morning was Jill Stanek, an Illinois nurse and pro-life advocate who has witnessed the devastating realities of these pro-abortion laws. At the same time, the Illinois legislature is debating two abortion bills, similar to the extreme pro-abortion agendas in New York and Virginia.

Click here for more from Illinois Review.