
March 25, 2019

CALL FOR ACTION: HB2467 and HB2495

STOP House Bill 2467
A Repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act
An attack on Illinois Families

If HB2467 becomes law it would repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion Act of 1995.

The Act:

        -Is constitutional per the Illinois Supreme Court and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals

        -Mandates notification of a parent, grandparent or legal guardian when a minor seeks an abortion
        -Provides a judicial waiver of notice for minors that are victims of physical or sexual abuse
        -Has caused a decline in minor abortions by 55% from 2013 when first enforced to 2017 according to the Illinois Department of Public Health statistics (adults declined 15%)

        -Has not triggered any reported incidents of abuse or neglect of a minor as a result of notification to the minor’s parent.

The Moms and Dads in Illinois do not deserve to have their parental rights undermined by their government. 

Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana and Kentucky all have parental involvement laws.  If the Parental Notification Act of 1995 is repealed Illinois will become the Midwest go-to-state for minors to obtain a secret abortion. 

This bill is currently in the Rules Committee.  No hearings are scheduled as of this time.


Contact your state Representative and urge them to vote NO on HB2467.  Click here to find information on how to contact your representative.

“The Reproductive Health Act”
An unprecedented assault on the unborn

If passed the Act would: 

          -Establish abortion as a fundamental right
          -Establish that a “fetus” does not have independent rights under the laws of the State of Illinois
          -Allow for abortions for any reason throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy up to the moment of birth
          -Allow non-physicians to perform chemical and surgical abortions
          -Remove the requirement of the presence of a second physician to provide treatment for a baby who survives the abortion
          -Remove licensing requirements and standards for abortion clinics
          -Eliminate restrictions on where abortions may be performed
          -Remove penalties for performing an abortion on a woman known not to be pregnant
          -Undermine Rights of Conscience for medical institutions and professionals
          -Allows DCFS to use public funds to pay for abortions
          -Mandate insurance coverage for abortions in any health insurance plan that provides pregnancy related benefits including churches and religious organizations without deductible, co-insurance or co-payment

          Among other things

This bill is currently in the Rules Committee.  No hearings are scheduled as of this time.


Contact your state Representative and urge them to vote NO on HB2495.  Click here to find information on how to contact your representative.

It is working! All of the phone calls, all of the witness slips, and all of the grassroots pro-life work taking place in communities all over Illinois is what is keeping our legislators from moving on these bills.

Please keep working on them. Let's keep up the momentum.