
March 8, 2019

Take Action Now! Contact the U.S. House Today! - Oppose H.R. 1

Oppose H.R. 1, the So-Called “For the People Act of 2019” (restrictions on free speech) to be voted on March 8th.

The so-called “For the People Act of 2019” is intended to make it as difficult as possible for corporations (including nonprofit, issue-oriented groups such as National Right to Life) to spend money to communicate with the public about the actions of federal officeholders, H.R. 1 would apply an array of restrictions on ads, as well as requirements that violate the privacy rights of donors.

National Right to Life expressed its strong opposition to the bill in a letter sent to members of the House of Representatives on March 6, 2019 which characterized H.R. 1 as “pernicious, unprincipled, and constitutionally defective legislation.” National Right to Life told House members that the overriding purpose of the legislation is “to discourage, as much as possible, disfavored groups like ours from communicating about officeholders, by exposing citizens who support such efforts to harassment and intimidation, and by smothering organizations in layer on layer of record keeping and reporting requirements, all backed by the threat of civil and criminal sanctions.”

Contact the U.S. House of Representatives to urge them to oppose this legislation. Click here for more information and to take action.