
March 27, 2019

LA Times accidentally reveals why Trump’s pro-life HHS rule is necessary

LA Times accidentally reveals why Trump’s pro-life HHS rule is necessary
A headline from the Los Angeles Times has some scratching their heads. The title reads, “Trump’s Title X rule will restrict abortion access and obstruct women’s healthcare.” The Title X rule the Times is referring to is a change that forces abortion providers to separate their abortion business from their basic family planning/birth control services.

But… if that Title X money isn’t already propping up the abortion industry just as pro-lifers have claimed all along, then how could this new rule “restrict abortion access,” as the Times editorial board claims? Secular Pro-Life noticed pointed out the irony in a Facebook post:

The Times editorial board writes, “Some of the providers that receive Title X funds — including Planned Parenthood, which provided healthcare to 40% of all patients in Title X programs in 2017 — offer abortions as well. But those abortions are never funded by Title X dollars, since Congress has barred federal money from being spent on abortions.”

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